Custom Made Theatre Presents A Very Special Event…
Jerry Torre: The Marble Faun of Grey Gardens
Live on-Stage – In Conversation
Sat. May 30, 2015 – 7:00 pm
before a performance of Grey Gardens: The Musical
Gough Street Playhouse
1620 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94109
To arrange an interview with Jerry Torre call publicist Lawrence Helman at 415/ 661-1260, or e mail – [email protected]
Custom Made Theatre Company takes great pleasure in presenting a rare on stage interview with Jerry Torre: The Marble Faun of Grey Gardens. Jerry is featured prominently in the 1975 iconic documentary GREY GARDENS by David & Albert Maysles. His character plays a major role in Grey Gardens, the Musical, running at Custom Made Theatre, May 22-June 21, 2015. Jerry came to live at the dilapidated mansion and befriend matriarch Edith Beale and her adult daughter Edie Beale – and was privy to what really went on when the cameras stopped rolling.
Jerry Torre will be interviewed on stage by his friend and Bay Area publicist Lawrence Helman before a performance of Grey Gardens: The Musical on
Sat. May 30, 2015 at 7:00 pm – before the 8:00 pm show. Tickets are $100 – $150 and include the interview and performance of Grey Gardens: The Musical, and a post reception with Jerry Torre and the cast. All proceeds benefit Custom Made Theatre Co. or by calling 415- 798-2682
For Calendar Editors
Jerry Torre: The Marble Faun of Grey Gardens, Live on-Stage – In Conversation
on Sat. May 30, 2015 at 7:00 pm. Gough Street Playhouse -1620 Gough St (at Bush St.), SF, CA 94109. Tickets are $100 – $150 and include the interview and performance of Grey Gardens: The Musical. There is a post reception with Jerry Torre and the cast.
Tix available at
WHAT: Custom Made Theatre Presents
A Very Special Event…
Jerry Torre: The Marble Faun of Grey Gardens
WHAT: Custom Made Theatre Presents
A Very Special Event…
Jerry Torre: The Marble Faun of Grey Gardens
Live on-Stage – In Conversation
WHEN: Sat. May 30, 2015 – 7:00 pm
or by calling 415- 798-2682
Tickets are $100 – $150 and include the interview and performance of
Grey Gardens: The Musical, and a post reception with Jerry Torre and the cast. All proceeds benefit Custom Made Theatre Co.
VENUE: Gough Street Playhouse, 1620 Gough Street (at Bush), SF 94109
INFO: For more info – please call 415- 798-2682
PRESS INFO: Press materials and hi-res color press photos:
Jerry Torre is a native New Yorker, a Brooklyn Italian. He is perhaps best known for his appearance in the Maysles brothers’ 1975 documentary Grey Gardens, as well as the 2006 follow-up entitled The Beales of Grey Gardens. During his time at Grey Gardens, Jerry was given the nickname “The Marble Faun” by Edith “Little Edie” Bouvier Beale. Jerry was later portrayed in the musical adaptation of Grey Gardens on Broadway (2006) as The Marble Faun.
Grey Gardens is a 1975 documentary film by Albert and David Maysles, with Susan Froemke, Ellen Hovde, and Muffie Meyer. The film depicts the everyday lives of the two Edith Beales, a reclusive socialite mother and daughter of the same name who lived at Grey Gardens, a decrepit mansion in the wealthy town of East Hampton, NY. In a 2014 Sight and Sound poll, film critics voted Grey Gardens one of the best documentaries of all time.
Jerry Torre appears in the documentary as the young gardener/handyman, as well as their close friend. Jerry worked for Gerald Geddes who owned the mansion next to Grey Gardens. After riding his bicycle past the dilapidated house many times he finally decided to ride up the driveway one day and knock on the door, “Little Edie” met him at the door and upon first seeing him said “Hey, it’s The Marble Faun”, remembering the book by Nathaniel Hawthorne. He offered his services as a gardener and was welcomed into their world.
Torre has traveled the world and enjoyed many rich experiences during the course of his life, including working alongside Walyand Flowers and his puppet “Madame” during their cabaret acts in the 70’s, as well as working for the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia. He went on to drive a Taxi Cab for twenty years in NYC. Torre is now a sculptor and spend his time pursuing a lifelong ambition, carving stone at the prestigious Art Students of League of NY.
Edith “Big Edie” Ewing Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edith “Little Edie” Bouvier Beale were the aunt and first cousin of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. The women lived together at Grey Gardens for decades with limited funds, resulting in squalor and almost total isolation. In the fall of 1971 and throughout 1972, their living conditions – their house was infested by fleas, inhabited by numerous cats and raccoons, deprived of running water, and filled with garbage and decay – were exposed as the result of an article in the National Enquirer and a cover story in New York Magazine after a series of inspections (which the Beales called “raids”) by the Suffolk County Health Department. With the Beale women facing eviction and the razing of their home, in the summer of 1972 Jacqueline O and her sister Lee Radziwill provided the necessary funds to stabilize and repair the dilapidated house so that it would meet Village codes.
Albert & David Maysles (Salesman, Gimme Shelter) became interested in their story and received permission to film a documentary about the women, which was released in 1976 to wide critical acclaim. Their cinema vérité technique left the women to tell their own stories. Grey Gardens has become a seminal piece of cinema vérité and is referred to as one of the greatest documentaries ever made. Torre remained close with both Edies and with filmmakers David and Albert Maysles. David Maysles died in 1987, Albert in March 2015.
Lawrence Helman (Interviewer). Lawrence Helman is a Bay Area publicist specializing on Theatrical publicity, and working with performers and celebrities. Some of his illustrious clients are: The Golden Girls: The Xmas Episodes (Heklina), Thrillpeddlers, Richmond/Ermet Aid Foundation, SF Mime Troupe, Theatre Rhinoceros, Sasha Soprano & Drag Queens of Comedy, and Sex & The City: LIVE (D’Arcy Drollinger), He is the operations director for Kung Pao Kosher Comedy (21 years), and co produced
2 documentaries – Sex Is… (with Marc Huestis), and That Man: Peter Berlin (with Jim Tushinski).